When is a gift not a gift?

When is a gift not a gift?

The Tax Commissioner has successfully argued that more than $1.6m deposited in a couple’s bank account was assessable income, not a gift or a loan from friends. The case of Rusanova and Commissioner of Taxation is enough for a telemovie. The plot features an...
Divorce, you and your business

Divorce, you and your business

Breaking up is hard to do. Beyond the emotional and financial turmoil divorce creates, there are a number of issues that need to be resolved. What happens when there is a family company? For couples that have assets tied up in a company, the tax consequences of any...
The changes to how tax practitioners work with clients

The changes to how tax practitioners work with clients

The Government has amended the legislation guiding registered tax practitioners to include compulsory reporting of material uncorrected errors to the Tax Commissioner. The Government has legislated a series of changes to the Tax Agents Services Act 2009 that...
The rise in business insolvency

The rise in business insolvency

ASIC’s annual insolvency data shows corporate business failure is up 39% compared to last financial year. The industries with the highest representation were construction, accommodation and food services at the top of the list. Restructuring appointments grew by over...
What’s ahead for 2024-25?

What’s ahead for 2024-25?

Will 2024-25 be another year of volatility or a return to stability? Personal tax & super As you would be aware (at least we hope so after a $40m public education campaign), the personal income tax cuts came into effect on 1 July 2024. At the same time, the...